We are a cluster of space lovers because our passion is as boundless as space. We still want to spread knowledge and enthusiasm about space. With GarageSat, we hope to build a game enjoyable and ludic for everyone. It will be the most shareable project we have ever made.

We get now a more mature experience in video games. We want to make you dream with us. It still a satellite’s building game but now, we will drive you through our passion with a brand new adventure part added to the game. After brainstorm about it all the spring, we get a story that makes us dream. Are you ready to hear what is it?

So, your player starts in a new colony. Your mission? You must understand the satellite concept and build many of them to help your colony. Satellites will provide to your colony a huge advantage for its sustainability. Your achievement will allow you to ask back some new research from the Laboratory of your colony. New parts researched let you build satellites asked by new missions. Can you handle your duty?