Perseus Payload Project
Measuring magnetic field from SERA3 sounding rocketOverview
The aim of the project is to produce a payload that can be placed inside SERA3 rocket in order to measure the difference in the magnetic field of the Earth as the rocket gets further away from its surface. This payload will be the first experiment TechForSpace runs some kilometers over the Earth surface!
Pablo is responsible of running the project smoothly. He intermediates in the relations between CNES and TechForSpace and pushes the team to go further. Since he is a data engineer he also helps in the software development.
European research student project from CNES (French space agency)
Pedro is the technical development expert. He is the wizard capable of designing all the electronic and physical layout of the payload and make it work. Due to his background in mechanical engineering and his strong knowledge in spatial engineering he has become the heart of the project.
Ramon is the person in charge of getting fundings for the project. Building a payload isn’t cheap and Ramon goes around the world looking for Sponsors to help us with this beautiful project. So if you are interested in helping the project or you know somebody who would be interested please contact Ramon (president at techforspace dot com) !
Latest updates
Perseus payload overview
The aim of the payload we want to develop is twofold. First of is educative, we want to be able to produce a payload that can be placed inside SERA3 and that can work smoothly both during test phase and launch of the rocket. The second goal of this project is to...